Edward Chapman
Customer Experience Committee member
Joined the Customer Experience Committee: 01/02/21
Background: Edward moved to Cornwall in the year 2000 and now considers it to be where he belongs. He became a Coastline Housing customer in November 2017 and joined the Customer Experience Committee when it was first formed in 2021.
Edward is a keen runner and has a business promoting international trail races as well as working on UK events and writing about running in general. More recently he has branched out into creative writing. Being an outdoors person Edward has a keen interest in the environment, is proud to be called a TreeHugger and campaigns on environmental issues. Now semi-retired Edward spends a lot of time volunteering with the children’s charity Go Beyond which provides residential activity breaks in Cornwall and Derbyshire for disadvantaged children.

Kelly Kemp
Non-Executive Director
Joined the Board: 01/01/22
Other positions held within Coastline Group: Chair of Customer Experience Committee.
Background: Kelly has been a customer of Coastline Housing for over nine years and recently joined the Board having previously been appointed to the Customer Experience Committee since its introduction in January 2020.
Kelly has a BSc (hons) in Social Science and subsequently studied paradigms and theories surrounding the sense of community. She has academic knowledge and understanding of overarching theories and the implementation of policies and procedures that can affect social housing. More recently Kelly has completed a teaching qualification.

Steve Curtis
Customer Experience Committee member
Joined the Customer Experience Committee: 01/09/21
Background: Born at St Michaels Hospital in Hayle and brought up in Cornwall, Steve has moved around the county and now lives in a Coastline home in Redruth. After taking early retirement, Steve became more involved with Coastline through scrutiny groups and volunteering, helping customers learn digital skills that helped them stay in touch with loved-ones during the pandemic. He continues his voluntary work at an internet café as part of the Smartline project.
Steve very much enjoys being a member of the Customer Experience Committee and bringing his skills to the table to help make Coastline the very best housing association in Cornwall.

Molly Gaunt
Customer Experience Committee member
Joined the Customer Experience Committee: 01/03/22
Background: Molly is a mum of two living in Camborne in a Coastline property. She felt inspired to join Coastline’s Customer Experience Committee because she is passionate about improving things for the community and the planet.
A self-employed beauty therapist, Molly’s hobbies include sewing, the outdoors, camping and gardening. Working and living in Camborne means she is constantly engaging with the community, including many Coastline customers, offering a great opportunity to advocate for the things that really matter to them. As a newer member of the committee, Molly looks forward to seeing the ways it can positively affect the homes Coastline customers live in, and the footprint humans leave behind on the environment.

Clare Jones
Customer Experience Committee member
Joined the Customer Experience Committee: 01/09/22
Background: Clare and her three children became Coastline customers in 2016. She joined the Customer Experience Committee in September 2022.
Clare works for Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change, a charity supporting the local community. She has been been involved with co-design groups, supporting group activities, and is now working in the finance team.
As a qualified support teaching assistant, Clare has supported learners with maths and English functional skills.

Andrew Moore
Group Vice Chair
Joined the Board: 01/09/20
Background: Andy has worked for more than 40 years for housing associations and housing charities, including 20 years as Chief Executive of a Cornish housing association. A Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Housing, Andy has previously served as a Chair of a parish council, local funding partnerships and charities.

Gill Pipkin
Non-Executive Director
Joined the Board: 01/01/24
Other positions held within Coastline Group: member of Audit & Risk Committee.
Background: Gill has been a senior leader in private, public and voluntary sector organisations in Cornwall. As CEO at Citizens Advice Cornwall, she was acutely aware of the need for good quality, affordable housing as well as the wider impacts from a lack of housing availability.
Gill feels strongly that provision of good quality housing helps address many of the challenges people face in their lives and is keen to help Coastline perform as well as possible. She currently coaches and mentors leaders and managers to realise their full potential.