The application fee for Coastline customers is £100. This is made up of £25 non-refundable administration fee, plus a £75 safety check fee that may be refunded if the exchange is cancelled by any party including Coastline Housing before the safety checks are carried out.
How to exchange
- Find someone to swap with - you may want to do this free of charge on the HomeSwapper website or app which alerts you about potential matches.
- Apply to exchange - once you have found someone to swap with, send completed application forms for all households to Coastline.
- Pay the application fee - each Coastline customer needs to do this when the application is sent in.
- Wait for permission - you and the household you are exchanging with must first have permission from Coastline and any other landlords involved.

HomeSwapper website
Featured documents
Before exchanging your home you must check there are no eligibility conditions or local connection restrictions that apply. If in doubt, get in touch.